Please read the FAQ’s before submitting your Club Shout Out!

What are Club Shout Outs?

Club Shout Outs are short videos that highlight the activities and experiences of your pickleball club on campus. They offer a fun-spirited and engaging glimpse into what it’s like to be a member of your club. These videos are shared across our social media accounts, featured in our newsletter, posted in our Discord community, and published on our blog, College Pickleball Buzz.

Can my club do a Shout Out?

Absolutely! All clubs, no matter the size or registration type, are welcome to submit a video.

Does our club submit video clips and images?  Or do we submit a finished video?

Either way.  If you prefer to send us small video clips (and some images) that we put together in a video, we can do that.

However, if your club prefers to do the editing and submit the final video instead, that is fine too.  We would recommend using free video editing software such as CapCut or Canva.

What are the content guidelines for submission?

Below are the guidelines and recommendations regarding content.  

  1. Club Originality: Focus on your specific club and your campus. For example, you might want to incorporate your club logo and school colors, if possible. *Submit only original content that you own the rights to. 
  2. Quality: Please use the highest video quality available to you..
  3. Language: No NSFW content.
  4. Duration: Ideal vlog length should be between 3 to 5  minutes.
  5. Incorporate Suggested Questions:  Please review the list of 21 Club Shout Out questions (see below) and try to include answers to at least 5-6 of them. The question “When was your club established?” is required content.
  6. Additional Suggestions:  Incorporate creative b-roll (if possible) such as video or images of your courts, social play, competitive practices, interactions of campus club members.
  7. Permissions: Ensure all necessary permissions and releases (e.g., for music, people appearing in the video, any necessary location releases) are obtained.
  8. Copyright: Content must not infringe on any third-party copyrights.

HAVE FUN:  We appreciate you doing your best with this, and we want to make sure it’s a fun and easy experience. Thank you again for taking part!

What are the 21 Questions? (Please choose 5-6 to answer)
  1. When was your club established? (THIS QUESTION IS REQUIRED)
  2. How is your club classified?  For instance, is it a recreational student organization, registered club sport, etc?  If you have more than one classification, please explain.


  1. How many players participate in your social club?
  2. How do you organize your social play?
  3. Where is your social play?
  4. Have you had any fun special events?  Describe those events.
  5. Do you have courts on campus?
  6. Do you receive any funding from the student government for your student organization?
  7. What is the most positive impact about the social club?


  1. How many players play in your competitive club?
  2. Do you host tryouts for your competitive team?
  3. How often does your club team practice?
  4. Where do you practice?  If off campus, do you pay for court time?
  5. Does your competitive team have a coach?
  6. What has been your favorite way to practice?  For instance, please share a drill, a game, or any practice format that you may have used.  
  7. Do you compete with other local schools? Have you traveled out of state?
  8. Do you have uniforms? How did you get them?  (Through the school or on your own?) 
  9. What is your favorite memory related to the competitive team?


  1. Have you done any fundraising?  If so, how did you raise funds and how did your club use the funds?
  2. Does your club have any special traditions?  How does your club develop and maintain team culture?
  3. If you had to give a new club one tip, what would it be?
What are the technical specifications for submission?
  1. Resolution: Please use the highest quality available to you.
  2. Format: MP4 formats are preferred. (MOV file can also be submitted.)
  3. Audio: Clear audio with minimal background noise. Use of a microphone may improve quality.
Where do we submit our Club Shout Out?

Please CLICK HERE to submit your video and review the Terms of Service.

After submission, what happens?

If your club submits raw footage, please give us 5-10 days to put a video together.  We will share the video with you for feedback before publishing.

If your club submits the finished video, we will review the content within 24-48 hours. If there are any concerns or issues, we will provide feedback for any necessary edits. If the video meets all guidelines and is ready for publication, we will inform you and provide a publishing timeline.

Additionally, we will provide instructions on how to collaborate with us when you publish your video on social media.

Is there someone I can talk to personally about this process?

You got it! Send us an email at [email protected] and we will set up a time to meet virtually to answer all your questions!